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Is a term of medical terminology is called the condition in humans, and indigestion or difficulty in digestion is caused by a defect in the function of the stomach.

Symptoms of indigestion:

1. The existence of a continuous and chronic pain in the upper region of the abdomen.

2. a feeling of fullness of the stomach and abdomen before the satiety process, and the presence of bloating, gas, and Altjhu a lot.

3. nausea and heartburn in the stomach and the esophagus or food back to the acidity of the mouth or carried to the mouth or bitter taste.

4. loss of appetite and nausea.

5. smelly in psychology.

Causes indigestion:

• It may be indigestion secondary result of other diseases such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, the occurrence and functional heart failure, chronic kidney disease, diseases of diabetes and the presence of a defect in endocrine and also malignant diseases.

• It may be there are some diseases that afflict the stomach, esophagus, colon, and examples of this that in the event due to gastric ulceration, or bacterium Helicobacter human injured by inflammation in the stomach, it gets indigestion, and if a person also is suffering from GERD He got indigestion. But the most important reason for indigestion is having an upset stomach movement, and the delay in emptying the contents of the food into the intestines.

• tension and psychological stress and nervousness affect the secretion of gastric juices, as well as the movement of the digestive system and the validity of the blood.

Things should be avoided so as not to worsen indigestion, including:

• Stay away from smoking and alcohol

• Reduce the drinks containing the stimulants such as tea, coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks, cocoa and chocolate

• Do not eat right before bedtime.

• Lose weight if plus.

• Avoid foods that increase indigestion like many many spice fat foods, sugars, pickles, meat broth, chicken and legumes

• Stay away from emotional stress, nervousness and depression

  • reduction of food per meal, and distribution of food on the five or six meals a day.

by : ahmed guezzini

    codified and researcher in thought, culture and the World. .

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