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It is one of the disorders of the group of called evolution in medical "disorders Autistic spectrum disorders" (Autism Spectrum Disorders - ASD) appear in infancy, before the child reaches the age of three years, most likely. Autism is a neurodevelopmental which is characterized by weak so
cial interaction disorder, verbal communication and non-verbal and behavioral patterns of restricted and repetitive. And require diagnostic criteria need to be symptoms become apparent before a child at the age of three years. Autism affects the data processing in the brain that process and how to change it to link and regularity of neurons and points of engagement; and did not understand how this happens it well.

Autism is one of the three disorders fall under the autism spectrum, and be Aladtraban second and third together Asperger syndrome, which lacks delays in cognitive and language development. Autism spectrum disorder is a condition that affects social interaction and communication, interests and behavior. Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in children appear before the third year of life, despite the fact that the diagnosis of the situation could happen after this age sometimes. There is no cure for this disorder, but it can help this segment of the children and their families through the words and occupational therapy and educational support therapy, in addition to a number of other interventions.

What are the symptoms of autism? And how to be a person with autism?

● have a clear influence on the language Alfezha child, as a child with autism can not pronounce words clearly, as he feels the weight of the tongue when pronouncing words.
● see the effect on the child's autism and behaviors that Atsrvha in attitudes that surround it's behavior, it is most likely that he can not behave in a sober.
● reaction of things are slow, as they are not positive, it does not Bostagib quickly to appeal or percussion to the doorbell, and he does not understand Rene phone.
● In addition to the above, we find that a child with autism is chalazia do strange things to some example starts screaming if loud, or may develop convulsions heard.
● Do not turn the pager does not respond to his name
● Do not a lot of direct visual contact is not seen in the eyes of wrought and do not interact with the date.
● refuse hugs
● It seems he does not understand other people's feelings and sensations as it does not smile and does not respond to social cues in the surrounding alpine
● starts to speak (the pronunciation of words) in a later age, compared with other children where speech begins after the age of two years
● lose the ability to say certain words or sentences were known in the past
● speaks louder Nprat strange or different rhythms, speaks using a lyric voice, Terry or voice-like robot voice
● may repeat words, phrases, or terms, but he does not know how to use them
● performs repetitive movements such as spinning in circles or waving hands
● develop the habits and rituals always repeats
● Sometimes it seems that it does not listen to us or can not hear us
● loses his knife in case of any change
● constantly on the move
● squeamish, in an exaggerated manner to light, sound or touch, but he is unable to feel pain.

What is autism treatment

To now, no specific for autism treatment, all we do is our best to make even enable this child to coexist with us and the community in a natural way within a specialist team includes a pediatrician fully aware of the different stages of a child's development, a psychiatrist for children, a doctor who specializes in speech and language specialist and heard and pronounce, physiotherapist and specialist functional cure. Among the therapeutic programs for children with autism, there are a number of effective educational programs that help this precious category in coexistence with the community better, and among the best of these educational programs Teach program TEACCH (Treatment and Educatiom of Autistic and Communication relate Handicapped Children)

Is the first specialized educational program to teach people with autism and those with communication and the first accredited program of the Autism Society of America problems developed by Dr. (Eric Hoppler) in 1972 at the University of North Carolina. This program depends on the education of autistic through their strength, which lies in the visual perception of the environment by regulating the use of visual aids such as pictures and written words. And formidable only cares about the education of children with autism but to train families and professionals to deal with them. Teach program is intended for people from the age of 8 months to 55 years. Rate of intelligence did not specify when the acceptance but accept people who suffer from the overall developmental disorders without regard to IQ. The advantages of this program is that it looks at each autistic child individually and doing special education programs for each individual child as social abilities, mental, muscular and language. Teach program enters the world of an autistic child and take advantage of the strengths, such as his interest in minute detail and love for the routine.

 It also offers this program diagnosis and assessment of cases of autism, as well as the center offers based on this program at the University of North Carolina technical advisory services for families, schools and institutions working in the field of autism and similar disabilities.

Teach program and given great attention to the construction of the organizational learning process that leads to the development of daily and social life skills through greater use of visual stimuli which is characterized by an autistic person. And Tattabrohm structural units based on the program are:

● organize educational activities
● organization of work
● specific configuration routine.
● organize spaces.
● daily schedules.
● organization of work.
● visual education.

by : ahmed guezzini

    codified and researcher in thought, culture and the World. .

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